Well I’m still crafting, you’ll be pleased to know and still buy craft stuff! Does that ever stop? Lol
I also have another little job now, catering on the Thames Sailing Barges which are local to me,
which I love! It has taken me to some beautiful locations and I’ve seen the most
Amazing Sunrises and Sunsets.
So, I still have my little Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/iloveumore?ref=search_shop_redirect which ticks over quite nicely,
Along with friends and family orders. My Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pg/rosesandribbons.comuk/about/ and also an Instagram
Account Roseandribbons1 instagram does anyone else have one I can check out?😊
I still love making cards and doing anything crafty or creative. How about all you
Lovely lot? What’s been happening in blogland? What’s the latest trend? Is it still
Magnolia, I’ve been away from the real action in crafting for so long?
I would love to hear from old and new crafters, where is the best place to get the latest
Up to date papers and craft goodies? Especially paper flowers! What’s trending right now and also where to get
Those bargains! Meanwhile I’ll have a little peek around your craft blogs and see if
Blogging is still the place to be! Lovely to be back in blogland, a very Happy and Healthy
2020 to you all and Happy Crafting xx please drop by and say Hi, old and new friends xx
Working on Mothers Day Bouquets