Ooh er Missus!! Well I just get so frustrated when this happens
to my new bunch of Roses, I know they are only supermarket
£3.99 jobs but as they are food for my soul I try have to have my
two vases filled nearly every week! So when this occurs after
just a day or so rather than take them back, out come the scissors
and just like Morticia Addams I chop their little heads off!


These I think I left to dry out a bit in the vase first; Don't they
look fab already! So once they are completely dried out,
(I place them on top of my radiator cover shelf, on a paper napkin
or kitchen roll), make sure none are rotting, you will be able
to tell by the colour and if they don't appear to be drying very fast!

Then place them in a pretty dish, this one is from good old
Woolworth's a few years back, I miss Woolies!!!

and this little one is from Ikea about a couple of quid! So,
they can adorn any room and give off a natural perfume
and when that runs out I have been using this......

oh it's gorgeous, really really Rosy smelling mmmmm.
Now for a card! hee hee, here is just a simple one I made
yesterday for my friend birthday on Monday

I have made a similar one here if you want the instructionies!!
Have a fab weekend, Happy Crafting, Sue xx